Silvio Conte, Sky Views, and Texture

One of the satisfying joys I've discovered in deploying my drone over the last year is capturing new textures. Moreso even than a Google Earth view, I find deeply enlivening the controllable positioning and framing of lines, angles, contrasts, and textures with a drone camera.
I've driven through the Silvio O. Conte National Fish & Wildlife Refuge in northern Vermont more times than I can count over the last decade, and the landscape is always intriguing from land level. Recently, I finally sent my eyes in the sky up for a spin on a chilly winter's day to see what it could see.
From the slashes of roads and rail through woodland stands to the octopus-like winding of natural streams through landscapes, new patterns from vistas aloft emerged in the late day sun. A setting sun never hurts to create shadows, contrasts, and opportunities for spectacular views, one's that are only available in flight.
In the eternal philosophical struggle across schoolyards and barrooms in selecting a superpower, the choice almost always says something about one's subconscious and personality; for me, it's always been a toss-up between being invisible and flying—the drone very nearly fulfills the latter!
All of these photos are available as prints of various formats, materials, and sizes HERE.
Thank you for checking them out!