Italy in Monochrome

I immediately fell prey to the sway of Italy's eternally romantic decay, its hewing to tradition, and its natural siren's song of la dolce vita. Despite a lifetime of my mother assuring me that I am, indeed, a special boy, I am quite the opposite, especially in regards to the sensory wiles of the great boot of Europe. No photographer with whom I've spoken who's made the journey has said otherwise. The country—its people, its history, its landscapes—offer an infinite well of creative lodestones onward which to be drawn.
Over the last 20 years, I've had the opportunity to visit various places around the country, returning to a few when possible, but always armed with lens and wonder. I have not, however, been good about processing the photos from these trips. Such is the life of a part-time shutterperson.
Included here is a small selection of images that sung to me without color from a visit in 2019 that ranged from Sienna to Florence, over to Viareggio and north to Modena. In a country so filled with color, there are just as many views that hum in gray.
All of these are available as prints on my Smugmug site, as well.