Fun with Food Photography, or How to Eat Cheese, Drink Beer and Succeed in Business
Recently, I was asked by the lovely folks at the CELLARS at Jasper Hill in Greensboro, Vermont, to do a photoshoot for an upcoming ad campaign in Culture magazine’s summer beer and cheese special section. The cheese was to be paired with Jasper Hill’s neighbor and world-renowned brewery, Hill Farmstead Brewery, which is about as natural a thing as you can imagine. I accepted, of course. Great cheese and beer, plus photography? Can’t miss.
A few behind the scenes pictures:
The goodies
Prep and setup
Behind the lens…
Product placement and initial arrangement…
Mostly decorated and setup…
The final ad, which was put together by Lori A. Halsey:
All in all, it was a great experience. As with each new project, I learn different techniques, which potholes to drive around and what not to do next time.
Was the cheese good? Darn right. Keep an eye out for the issue this summer at finer cheese shops and the like.
As for me, I’m going to enjoy a little more of the Winnemere and a glass of Edward pale ale.