Hill Farmstead Brewery Photo Shoot
Back on September 2, I had the opportunity to work with the folks at Hill Farmstead Brewery in Greensboro, Vermont, to create some product shots, as well as work images. It's a place I've spent a fair amount of time, since owner Shaun Hill's beers are a favorite of mine. So, one gorgeous afternoon, we worked on products, clothing (with our able and handsome model Owen Miller, who also works at the brewery) and some working shots, since they were in the midst of another brew day.
I had a fantastic afternoon, and I always love hanging out with Shaun and Owen. On this day, we were joined by Shaun's friend Ryan Witter-Merithew, also a brewer with Fanø Bryghus, who had come to town from Denmark to collaborate with Shaun on a holiday beer.
If you're near Greensboro, or can get there, I highly recommend making the trek.
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.