Photo of the Day 08/21/10 - Cascade and Cut
Silver Cascade, Crawford Notch State Park, Bartlett, New Hampshire.
For my entire life, I've passed these flume/falls on the way to Maine. Years ago, traveling through from Maine on vacation, we stopped finally and snapped off some senior photos below these falls, but I've never pursued it beyond.
So, yesterday, with an afternoon free to myself, I grabbed all my gear (thanks to my Think Tank belt system) and headed for the top to see what was there. Almost 2 hours later, I discovered just how far up the flume went and just how amazing the view was from various vistas. What a hike! There's a great sign at the start of what passes for the trail up:
They're not kidding, either. It's a combination of rock climbing and stump jumping, which equalled a great hike to me. Along the trail, you could cut out onto the falls at various levels; each new vista was a new experience and completely different angle and view on the valley. Breathtaking, for sure.
I'll be posting many more photos from this trek, and I'm certain to head back into that park again to try another flume and hike (there are several). This particular set of falls is within about 5 minutes of the road, so loads of people have seen it.
Larger Version Here: Cascade and Cut
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