Over at David duChemin's blog, he announced the third in his series of photography philosophy books:

Yesterday I submitted the last of the words and images for the last book in the trilogy – Vision & Voice: Refining Your Vision in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. Hard to describe how excited I am to be done not only this book but the whole series. Harder still to believe that it’s been less than a year since the first one, the poorly acronymned Within The Frame, rolled out. Have no idea what I’ll do with all the time, other than travelling, shooting for clients, and continuing to offer the eBook at Craft&Vision.com. Might be time to begin the fourth book. Hey, if it was good enough for Douglas Adams to do a trilogy in four parts, it’s good enough for me.

Having read the first two in the series, as well as loads of his other work, I'm pretty excited to get my hands on this one.  David has a unique and wonderful way with words, funny and inspiring at the same time.

If this is something that might strike you, I'd appreciate it if you'd use my Amazon Associates link if you preorder it, which I highly recommend:

Vision & Voice: Refining Your Vision in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom (Voices That Matter)