Photo of the Day Hiatus
As you may or may not noticed, yesterday was the first time in nearly 9 months that I’ve missed a Photo of the Day entry. Well, I’m on vacation for the next 10 days, so I’m taking a well-earned break. I will, however, be posting whenever possible while I’m traveling beginning Monday … to Italy!
For about 7 days, I’ll be traveling to Bologna for a few days, then down to Viareggio on the coast in Tuscany for a few days. This is definitely a photo road trip with my better half and a dear friend of ours. I need to recharge my creative batteries a bit. The recent trip to NYC was a great teaser for my brain and got the energy generation going.
I’ll try to post each day, when possible, but internet may be sporadic, depending on if our Tuscan hosts’ internet access has been restored (apparently rural Italy and rural Vermont have one thing in common: the occasional inconsiderate hunter who takes a pot shot at power/net lines).
If internet cooperates, I’ll post teaser shots for what I hope will be a possible coffee table photo book available for the holidays. We’ll see!
In the meantime, while I pack and gear up for the trip, feel free to enjoy the gallery of almost 300 Photo of the Day entries :)