Photo of the Day 11/28/10 - Eyes on the Blue Horizon
It’s been a while… hello, Photo of the Day.
This particular shot is the result of a puppy waking me up about 5 a.m. during our usually Thanksgiving stay in Glover. Normally, I’d roll over and go back to sleep, like any right-minded human, but for some reason, I got up. I assume this is the reason. Standing in the 8-degree morning air—in my flannel pajamas, which provided only minimal protection, I might add—freezing up nicely, I tripod-mounted the camera to avoid my shivering shakes and tried to capture the amazing pre-sunrise horizon line in this panoramic. The sunrise itself wasn’t quite so spectacular, but this was well worth the cold wake-up call.
This is a 2:1 ratio panorama, available on my Smugmug account in various sizes.
View it larger, then buy it: Photo of the Day 11/28/10 - Eyes on the Blue Horizon