Site Update and Shifting Focus
I've been reading David duChemin's latest book, VisionMongers: Making a Life and a Living in Photography, and it's really spurred me to consider what I love most about photography and what I ultimately want to pursue within photography. The book is amazing, much like his last one, Within the Frame: The Journey of Photographic Vision
, which ultimately changed my life as a photographer and a person.
For the last few years, I've worked with some fantastic clients for family photography, senior photography and even a wedding, and I enjoyed those projects, for sure. But, I found that while they were enjoyable, my heart wasn't in it as fully as it needs to be to really pursue it for the long haul. I'll certainly continue to do these sorts of projects on occasion for friends and family, but to do it as a full time business, you really have to be invested 100 percent—otherwise, you're just not serving your clients in the way they deserve.
I'm still exploring various areas of photography, but what I most love is travel photography—not just to far away places, either. As is often the case, what you can find in your own backyard can be just as fascinating as hopping on a plane for some sand dunes.
A good friend of mind and great photographer, Garth Leach, launched a site a while back called Kingdom Traveler, which highlights what makes Vermont's Northeast Kingdom such a special place. It's a great site, and I encourage you to check it out and share it with friends. I hope to work with Garth to expand the site and contribute additional content for the site in the coming months.
That doesn't mean I won't be going far afield, though! In the last two years, I've been blessed with opportunities to travel to a number of fantastic locations, including Italy, Greece and Germany. All of those trips inspired me and made me keenly aware of what I truly enjoy doing with a camera: sharing the unique and interesting bits of a place in a way that really brings you there, from a different angle. I can't wait for my next adventure abroad, wherever that might be.
The Photos of the Day and Photo Quotes of the Day will continue, because it's fun to share little things each day. I also hope to start adding photo essays to the blog whenever possible, sharing my travels.
If there's someplace here in the Northeast Kingdom or Northern New Hampshire you think is unique, let me know. Drop me a line here on the blog. I'd love to know.
Thanks for visiting and I look forward to your comments and feedback.