Tails from an Aspiring Photography Business
Things are going pretty darned well, so I can't complain. Today, though, was one of those days where you wish you didn't have a "day job" that isn't photography. Because of a day of relaxation that included 36 holes of golf, I feel like punching bag at a well-used gym that's been tied up with copper grounding cable. Sore is an understatement. So, with a brain sidetrack by aches, I walked out of the house without my binder of photography notes, forms and stuff.
What's that mean? Well, it means that my scheduled lunchtime meeting with a potential wedding client was off, since I'm an hour's drive from home for my "day job" and I didn't have the luxury to run home. On the up side, the client is gracious and forgiving (because she already knows me, thankfully) and agreed to reschedule for tomorrow. Really looking forward to meeting with her tomorrow.
Also had a senior portrait shoot this evening, which I wasn't able to focus on as much as I'd like before hand. I really like to gameplan and walk through different ideas before the camera even comes out. However, it turned out great. Brendan's a great kid, handsome as the devil and super easy going. We shot at four locations, did some clothing changes and whoosh, it's done. Pulling images into Lightroom right now, and early previews look pretty darned good.
On to tomorrow!